Category Archives: Gaslamp

PC Gamer Interview

The good folks of PC Gamer have posted a very long interview with us, filmed while we were at GDC a few weeks ago.

You will note at the end that we give a new, intended approximate release date. We’ve decided to push our intended release date for CE back a bit, from “late this year” to “early next year”, around February/March 2014. Simply put, this is a large game and we need more time to do a good job of it and make it fun. (Also, we don’t want to compete with a bunch of console launch dates.) We hope you guys understand, and we promise the game will be better as a result.

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David, Nicholas, Mr. Dykstra and I were down in San Francisco for the annual Game Developers Conference (as you may have noticed from our impressively slapped together post from last week), and we thought it might be cool to give you guys a little bit of an idea what that’s like, why we were there, and what happened.

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Dungeons of Dredmor: The Game: The New Website

The new now exists in this world! And it’s new! And Brax would very much like you to buy things from it, why don’t you. The prices are absolutely subterranean! (In, say, a series of dungeons, if you will. We all got that? Good.)

Brax does not agree with Batty’s business sense regarding certain expansion packs.

In all, we’re quite pleased to finally have this all put together. You can buy the game from our distribution partners, including Humble, Steam, and Desura, or perhaps pick up an expansion, order up a t-shirt, the game soundtrack, or perhaps your very own adorable stuffed diggle who hates you so much, but not that much. For those of you who bought Dredmor during our placement in the Humble Introversion Bundle, you can now enjoy high-quality, DRM-free expansion packs purchased directly from us (well, via the Humble Store.)

Props to the good folks of Chestnut St. Pixel Foundry for doing the design (drop them a line if you have need of some sort of graphical design — they also did this site,, and the Gaslamp Games company logo). Props as well to our own Derek Bonner for doing the coding and smart server type things.

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Happy Maddening Doom-Laden Holidays from Gaslamp Games!

Last year, at about this time, I was on a bus somewhere on Vancouver Island, when Daniel called my cellphone. “You know,” he said, “everybody who downloaded the new expansion pack has suddenly found their game overrun with Giant Pink Scorpion Diggles and it’s totally unplayable.” I ended up fixing that bug, and putting up a hotfix, from a Starbucks in Ladysmith. At some point, somebody from the IRC channel – I never found out who – ended up tracking down which Starbucks I was working from, and arranging for somebody to buy me coffee and scones, to the bemusement of a very puzzled barista who had never seen this sort of thing happening before. That was the year that Christmas was cancelled, but it was kind of okay, really, because when neat stuff like that was still going on: when perfect strangers from the Internet were being very understanding about things screwing up and were stalking you to find where you were and buy you pastries – well, what more do you need in your life?

You remember moments like this as a game developer. And you also resolve to never schedule your holidays in the middle of release schedules ever again.

Now, it’s another Christmas – a year later. It doesn’t seem like a year ago that we were about to release Realm of the Diggle Gods; it seems like aeons ago. What a year it’s been. Things seem to have been overshadowed a bit by the announcement of Clockwork Empires, but somewhere in here we also managed to release two Dredmor expansion packs (You Have To Name the Expansion Pack and Conquest of the Wizardlands) as well. We have moved offices twice, and have grown the company from a handful of overworked lunatics and burnt-out biomechanical researchers in a sequence of increasingly desperate squalid basements to a motley gaggle of fourteen employees and contractors, working out of an office that doesn’t actually have people screaming outside the window every day. (It does, however, have an ominous sink.)

We have a modding community for Dredmor now, which continues to produce nifty things to this day. We also now sell stuffed Diggles, apparently. (Have you bought yours yet?) We have given talks at major conferences about what we are doing – Daniel at Penny Arcade Expo, myself at Casual Connect – because apparently people like what we do and want to learn about it. We have exhibited at a trade show for the first time ever, and have been on the cover of PC Gamer with a six page article about us and our work in it.

In short, it’s been an absolutely ridiculous year. We couldn’t have done it without you, our valued customers and loyal audience, who seem to gleefully put up with all our wacky shenanigans. As always, we thank you for your support, and we are glad to have you along as a part of it.

But now, we must rest. The Ur-sleep has come upon us. We are taking a break at the offices – shutting down the fleshy pods, tucking them into their nurting jackets of bubbling ooze, and letting the massive flywheel in the generator slowly come to a grinding halt. Soon, the offices will fill with the cryogenic suspension foam and… er, yes. That.

Please enjoy your doom-laden holidays, and remember to bathe in the light of the maddening solstice rays in a responsible fashion over the holiday season. 2013 is going to be amazing.

Weekly updates on Clockwork Empires will resume in January.

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Gaslamp Office Move Day

It is that time again – when the Indie Game Studio splits its old crowded exoskeleton, extrudes its expanding glistening body from the husk of its former carapace, then makes its home anew in a fresh office. There, it shall plant down the Birthing Nodules, each of which shall shimmer forth in a flurry of exuberant budding-pods from which the larvae shall hatch.

In this case, we just deployed the Birthing Nodules a mere 30 feet down the hall from the old office (which suits our poor backs just fine.)

It’s a moving montage! Imagine a pumping 80’s rock soundtrack. (Left to right: Mr. Whitman, wizard, Micah, Joseph, Mr. Whitman again via use of magic, Sean, Daniel.)

Our company has grown. Space is needed; space to be filled with the nourishing off-the-wall game development our customers expect and demand.

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Diggle News!

Diggles are shipping! People have already started receiving shipping notices saying that a “yellow bird with a white beak in a plastic bag” (plus sketches) are headed their way. International shipping should now also be available to just about everywhere, and anybody who has problems with international shipping should e-mail ShouldBee, our partners in Diggle Crime, at for assistance.

ShouldBee has asked us to note that they have been adding one sketch per *order* – so if you ordered twelve Diggles, you will get twelve Diggles and one sketch. This is because there are a limited number of sketches and we want everybody to enjoy David’s fine doodlings (or, alternately, my programmer art.) If your Diggle arrives, why not let us know? Put up a photo on the forums or in the comments and let the world see your new fuzzy yellow companion.

Happy Halloween, everybody! And don’t forget the Canadian Indie Bundle is STILL ON SALE.

it tasted the rainbow and now it must pay

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PAX Prime 2012 Photos

It is customary, at this time, to tell the audience what they missed. So here are some photos of our PAX 2012 booth, our PAX 2012 staff dinner, and a small yet modest cocktail party we threw for Visiting Dignitaries.

{ read this article }

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Clockwork Empires: Alright, Now What?

We’re back from Penny Arcade Expo! This was our first year as an exhibitor; while previous years have been reasonably epic (most notably for me, at least, was 2010, which was the year I crashed a panel with Steve Jackson), this year blew them all away. We got to meet a bunch of you, we got to hand out 100 Stuffed Diggle Menaces,  and we got to see the Hat of Bergstrom. We also had a few good times with some members of the remote team who don’t normally work at the Vancouver office, most notably Chris Triolo and Ryan C. Gordon, who just happened to be in town that day. I got a Valve tour! Daniel was on a panel! We went to Notch’s party! The list goes on and on…

Now we’re back, the question becomes: now what do we do?

The main thing that PAX impressed upon me was just how much work we have to do between now and next year on Clockwork Empires. Next year, we want to be showing this game, and we want it to be in a presentable state. That’s fine. We have a long, rather hard road ahead of us, and we’ll get there, but the question is… what do we do until then?

So here’s the plan. We’re an independent studio that is really not beholden to anybody but ourselves. We want you to know what’s going on and how we’re progressing; we want you to get excited for Clockwork Empires, and we want you to let us know how you think we’re doing. We’re going to open things up as much as we can, and we’re going to write while we do so. We hope you’ll like it. We’ll try to be honest, and we’ll try to let you know the good news as well as the bad news. You’ll be getting posts from me on the programming stuff, David on the art side of things, Daniel on AI (and maybe ranting about “business stuff”), and all of us on game design.

Let the great Developing begin, er continue! To that end, here is random art. What do you folks want to hear about?

Clockwork Empires serves the needs of all, from the clothing needs of growing alternative religions to the logistical infrastructure required to maintain a respectable zeppelin fleet in these challenging times.

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