All posts tagged with "throwing down with other developers"

Media Roundup: Dredmor podcast & Gaslamp interview

Dungeons of Dredmor on Roguelike Radio

The new podcast Roguelike Radio did an entire show about Dungeons of Dredmor, check it out here. (Or on itunes.)

It’s fascinating to listen to people speak very seriously about our game and hear them speculate about what we were thinking when we made this or that design decision (odds are, we weren’t; they’re mostly acts of animal desperation drawn from the lowest id before the conscious mind comes up with a post-hoc justification).

Anyway, we’d be foolish not to be inspired by plunder the thoughts a seasoned pack of roguelike players/designers have about Dredmor — to this point, I’m pretty sure I just heard a great mechanic to act as a foundation for a cheesecrafting skill.

Gaslamp Games interviewed by Gaming Irresponsibly

An extremely patient fellow over at Gaming Irresponsibly has posted interview with us online which we finally got around to fully answering; check it out here.

One wonders if we really ought to say the things we say in public. Then again, we did make Dungeons of Dredmor public and we all know how that turned out. I also have to wonder why Nicholas keeps trying to start a hip-hop style feud with Notch. Have you seen the size of that guy’s posse? Man.

Why are you still reading this? Go read that interview while listening to the podcast.

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