Hotfix and Mac Update; The Future

Update: both these patches are now live. — N.

Hi, folks!

The Dredmor Save Fiasco Hotfix and a new OS X build have been sent to Steam, and they will go up some time tomorrow. (Steam is pretty good about these things.) As always, if you have any problems or questions, feel free to get in touch with us at; we will try to get you sorted out as best we can. When updating the game, those of you using the hotfix may want to make sure you validate your Steam cache before, after, or during the install process to make sure you have the freshest, newest Dredmors that Steam can provide. (Or just uninstall and reinstall the entire thing, if bandwidth is cheap for you.)

At this point, the game seems to be running pretty stably for most people. We’re aware of a few slowdowns (generally bad performance on OS X; also blood, in particular in Monster Zoos), and a few odd things that happen using the Unsupported Features (the hidden speed-up key and the OpenGL renderer.) So this is good.

That said, we certainly have a bunch of issues to continue sorting out. My bugtracker currently has one hundred and eleven issues in it. In the words of Strong Bad, “That is not a small number! That is a big number!” There’s a very good chance that if there is an issue that’s bothering you (warrior health broken! Mages still need nerfing! Balance issues! Infinite Diggle Health bars! Pet stupidity! Monsters attacking you just as you kill them! Pets being stupid! WASD not working! This Translation is all Wrong… Is All Wrong! etc.), we probably have it on our list. This is in addition to the requested features list, which still includes 2X UI and has expanded to include a bunch of other things that everybody wants – and will eventually get – to make their life better. (Minimap icons springs instantly to mind, although there’s other stuff.) This is also in addition to new content. Plus, we need to finish the Linux port, and at some point we need to start assembling the next game! It’s a busy time to be a Gaslamper.

We are going to work through this as fast we can, and as best we can, but we’re going to have to stop for a bit and get our bearings so that we can figure out the best way to attack things. We are currently leaning towards alternating bugfix and content patches, and we can only do this if we start building some testing infrastructure, so we’re going to do that. (This is slightly complicated by the fact that I, personally, am supposed to be moving at the start of August. Oh well.)

We’ll let you know as soon as we determine what the next part of the plan is, and how soon in August I can actually get the Internet Access people to reconnect me with the rest of the world. In the mean time, we’re so thrilled you’re having a good time with Dredmor, and we hope that you continue to do so. I, for one, have spent several hours reading forum posts, laughing my head off, and being amazed at the incredibly long playtimes that people are putting in. It is very delightful to know that everything we threw in Dredmor over the course of several years has suddenly gone off with a very loud bang, all at once, all over the Internet. It’s like setting fire to an explosives factory.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp, Programming | Tagged , ,

37 Responses to “Hotfix and Mac Update; The Future”

  1. K says:

    Another bug report:

    When you pick up an item, and have it on your cursor, and then you click on another item which is at least 2 squares away, your guy walks over there, and picks the new item up, deleting the item on the cursor in the process.

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  2. Travis says:

    Yay, Mac patch! Very exciting, look forward to saying goodbye to the staircase crash. Will the Mac patches always be coming behind the PC patches, or was that a one-time issue (you mentioned you had to wait on some information from Valve about building the patch?)

    p.s. Is Dungeons of Dredmor compatible with OSX Lion?

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    • Patch says:

      Yes, it is compatible with Lion. I’ve been playing it on Lion since Yesterday morning.

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      • txa1265 says:

        Really? I played DoD, then installed Lion, and now DoD doesn’t work anymore… had to Force quit from full screen, and it dumps if I *don’t* use Fullscreen.

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  3. D says:

    An additional bug report:

    Autoloot does not seem to work on lockpicks.

    WASD+autoloot towards nests with eggs sometimes does not work. Normally you move into the square and pick up the egg.

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  4. jareddm says:

    You guys are amazing. I wish you the best of luck. You’ve created a fantastically enjoyable little game and best of all, kept us updated on what’s going on. For that I thank you.

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  5. phil says:

    The Lutefisk Cube only gives you ~20-40% when you drop a whole stack in. This can be defeated by separating stacks of items into single items by dropping a stack into any crafting vessel. I just spent 10 minutes turning softballs into lutefisk and my clicking finger hates me.

    In the future, could we get a direct 1:1 transaction on the Lutefisk Cube since it already is possible using this method?

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    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      Yep, known bug. We’re on it!

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      • Mysc says:

        Do you mean that you will nerf splitting stacks into piles of 1 to create 1 lutefisk?
        Or is it not meant to be a 5:1 ratio as stated in the XML’s?

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        • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

          There are a number of weird things with the Lutefisk Cube right now. For example, if you put in a stack of lutefisk, it can give you back less lutefisk.

          An elegant way to fix this could involve everything giving at least a 1 to 1 correspondence (including stacks), increasing the amount of lutefisk received by larger items, and changing the amount of lutefisk needed to tithe accordingly.

          Long story short: we’re thinking about ways to make this more intuitive and less likely to punish accidental clicks.

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          • Mysc says:

            Indeed, I did notice the lutefisk getting decreased if you accidently put it back in. I was surprised. not quite as much as i was when I tried lutefisking another cube I found though. 😉

            I do like the idea of 1:1 with increased tithe amount though.

            While you’re thinking about what to do with dealing with this issue.. Could you consider adding some kind of multiplier for lutefisking artifacts?
            As it stands you only get 1 for any kind of weapon/armour(or at least I do).
            It could be a good idea to consider using the same item level multiplier that the museum uses.

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          • Matt says:

            I’m just going on what I read here on the Web site, inasmuch as the promised Linux version has not yet materialized, but it sounds to me like one very weird thing about the lutefisk cube is that everything you put into it turns into lutefisk. Maybe you should check into that.

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    • Zenofire says:

      If it helps the exact ratio is (Stack put in – 1)/5 = Lutefisk Received

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  6. jergason says:

    This is great news. I love the game, and it is nice to see more indie success, especially on a cross-platform title. Thanks for all the work. Are you guys planning on paid DLC, or just free content?

    { reply }
    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      Paid DLC is *very* unlikely. It would need to be a very, very significant addition for us to consider it. We want to keep adding unpaid content to the game for quite a while, as it seems there are lots of people who will enjoy it =)

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  7. NutritionFacts says:

    Congratulations, GLG =)

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  8. afterstar says:

    From Dual Yielding tree:
    All skills Do not give any of the stats indicated.

    From Shield Bearer tree:
    3-Defensive Bash
    4-Tortoise Maneuver
    5-Shield Savant
    Do not give any of the stats indicated.
    You should also check out the Squire of the Shield,not sure if it gives it or not.

    { reply }
    • Mysc says:

      So i was looking into what causes this strange behaviour, But unfortunately all useful skill information is hard-coded. However, I’m pretty sure this weird functionality(Or lack of) is down to how the second weapon(or shield) is dealt with. Currently if you equip a second weapon with swords skill at level 2 – You can see that you get +1 slashing damage to ranged(crazy).
      Meaning the hard-coded portion of the weapons checking isn’t working. it’s checking each hand seperately instead of together.
      Which is technically fine for swords skill but you can dual wield if it checks left hand then applies the bonus, Then it’s checking the next hand and attempting the same.
      Obviously failing because it’s not checking BOTH hands at the same time thus dual-wielding.

      Also for the swords skill the second weapon is being treated not as a weapon but as an accesory(hence the +1 slashing bonus to ranged attacks).
      This could also be the problem.
      Just for clarification, This only applies to skill bonuses. Doesn’t apply to weapons natural stats.

      Either of these could be the problem, I attempted everything I could with the current modding capabilities to try and find out whats ‘wrong’. Sadly the problem lies outside of the XML files.

      In other random crazy item checking news:
      If you equip a shield in your sword hand and a weapon in your shield hand…
      You get the bonuses from the weapon, ARE not dual-wielding And you get the ranged attack bonus from weapon skills.

      Ironically equipping a weapon and a shield like that attempted to use unarmed with bonuses doesn’t work.
      There must be a character flag that is something like IsArmed=1 when your gear is tallied up to provide bonuses.
      unarmed correctly checks both hands(presumably because it does one then the other and doesn’t require checking both at the same time)

      I’ll stop this reply for now it’s getting incredibly lengthy.

      Don’t take my word for truth, It’s just what i think is happening(except the shield&sword thing, it’s totally true).

      { reply }
      • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

        Wow, that’s… incredibly detailed. But hey, good sleuth work, this will definitely go to good use! I am basically copying and pasting what you just wrote into our bug tracker =P

        In the future, the most effective way of conveying this info is emailing it to, but we try to find things posted elsewhere as well.

        Edit: I forgot to say thanks! tracking down bugs for us is not the most thankful job, but you are making our lives easier and we really, really appreciate the effort.

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        • Mysc says:

          Well I hope it helps in resolving the problem, And thanks for the email address I’ll use that in the future.

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  9. KingAlbsy says:

    Thanks for the update.

    Here’s an idea, if you click on an item and drag it over a similar one, it would be awesome if the stats of both items would be displayed side by side for easy comparison.

    Thanks again.

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  10. Alfred says:

    Quick-Sell lets you sell quest items.

    Bug or Feature?

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  11. doncorazon says:

    Awesome. Thanks for the updates. Sounds daunting but appreciate you guys supporting this.

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  12. JmItch says:

    Blob standing on a teleport pad was stealing my food. Killed him and dropped everything. Picked up the top stack of Grilled Cheese and everything else disappeared. Not in bag/slots.

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  13. m4444 says:

    I’m having an odd issue with stacking potions. It was working just fine on my new game, but when I saved and came back later any potions i pick up simply refuse to stack with the others. I’ve got several spots taken up by lone potions and I’m pretty much going to have to sell/use them to make room. And as if it hasn’t been said enough before, you guys made an awesome game and are providing awesome support. Therefore you are awesome. So thank you and keep up the good work!

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  14. Jash says:

    Feature request: a ‘wait’ key that allows you to just wait until something happens (e.g. a monster comes into view, a debuff runs out, your health regenerates fully) or until a certain number of turns have passed (maybe 50?). Basically, the wait feature present in Crawl. This just removes a little annoyance from pressing space a million times while waiting for your health to regenerate or for a debuff to expire.

    You can already do this by pressing Space a bunch, so you’re not adding anything that doesn’t already exist. It would just be a nice interface improvement for the impatient among us 🙂

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  15. anonymous says:

    Running in fullscreen crashes it instantly for me (using OSX 10.7).

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  16. emojk says:

    Trying to load my game in any resolution crashes the game; however, starting a new game seems to work. Though I really don’t want to start everything over.
    (1O.6.8 here)

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  17. emojk says:

    Hmm. Didn’t see the post about save files… I’m a little peeved but oh well.

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  18. John M says:

    Currently I cannot start my game into Fullscreen mode. Instantly crashes the game. Running OSX Lion (10.7)

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  19. anon says:

    I can’t look around the map, or drop less than all of a stack of items.

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  20. Crash says:

    Great job guys, Although id love to steal from Brax and than sell him the stolen stuff, hahah that would be awesome 😀 , There should be a risk factor, that when you sell Brax the stolen stuff, he has a 80% of him realizing that thats his stuff, This would require a new skill to be added, for example: Sneaky merchant, it makes it easier to sell to brax the stolen merchandise.

    Id love to see this 😀 respect for you guys

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  21. ELlers says:

    Hey great game, love it to death, completed it a couple times and just keep going back for more.

    one bug I have noticed, aside from the 1:5 Lutefisk ratio, is that most of the Archeology skills don’t work as intended. I have tried the Exp for items one on almost every item I have come across (Narrowing it after going over the wiki) but it still refuses to work. and the same for the thrid one, to randomize your equipment

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    • plaYer2k says:

      Another bug i experienced:
      Loading games seems to congest your RAM. Every time i load a game – quit – and load it again the games memory usage increases by a few MBs. Doing this for a while the game crashes due to memory overflow.
      Seems like the old “game instance” isnt closed correctly. So that the game saves all informations for any running game you loaded with that client instance.

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