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Go Forth and Monetize!


Gaslamp Games Inc. hereby gives permission to ANY third party to use images and sounds from Gaslamp Games Inc.’s video game Dungeons of Dredmor in “Let’s Play” videos, reviews, or any equivalent content on YouTube (

If you do choose to use images or sounds from Dungeons of Dredmor on a video, we hereby request that you include the following copyright notice:

“Copyright © 2013 Gaslamp Games Inc.,”

This authorization is given if the video is monetized or contains advertisements or other commercial goals.  You don’t have to, but if you do, hey that’s cool.

If you make a whole lot of money playing Dungeons of Dredmor, and buy yourself a tasty beverage, we hereby request that you say “Skol” before drinking it one time.

Furthermore, if you are affected by administrator removal of content which you have made due to the inclusion of Dungeons of Dredmor content in a video, please contact us at so we can work with YouTube on your behalf.

(Also, we’ll include Clockwork Empires in this statement when it’s ready for the world, and when the world is ready for it.)

Posted in Clockwork Empires, Dungeons of Dredmor, Gaslamp | Tagged , , , , ,