Teensy Patch Hold-up

There’s been a little, unforeseen patch hiccup. Interestingly, this isn’t as a result of Dredmor, but as part of a Dredmor-related secret project that we have been working on, quietly and mysteriously. We’re not saying what it is yet, save that it is something that a lot of people have expressed interest in.

As a result of this work, we’ve had to remove two libraries from Dredmor, in order to replace them with… well, equivalents that are suitable. We have only just finished rewriting all of Dredmor’s audio code to use OpenAL; because this is a fairly major rewrite, we actually have to sit down and run a Real Beta now instead of just testing the bugfixes, vaguely making sure we didn’t break anything major, and calling it a day.

Some test binaries will probably show up in the IRC channel either late today or early tomorrow, and based on how well that turns out we will let you know what a better ETA for the patch looks like. This is mainly us being ultra-cautious and trying to make sure that we don’t shower you all with broken pixels and static in our quest for increased portability.

That said, the new audio is a heck of a lot better, and also fixes all the little lag issues when changing music or wandering in and out of stores. We’ve also managed to cut down on our memory use a bit as a result of this secret project, although we still have further work to do on this front. Levels now use about 20 megabytes less memory on average. It’s not quite enough for our svelte new lifestyle, but it’s a start.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Games, Gaslamp | Tagged , , , ,

19 Responses to “Teensy Patch Hold-up”

  1. Psiweapon says:

    That dwarf has a kitten as his crown crest.

    Go, Gaslamp, Go!

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    • Psiweapon says:

      I don’t care what it is, but those dwarves better start showing up at some time in the foreseeable (not necessarily near) future or I will cry

      (Is auto-replying really bad manners guise?)

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  2. glipglopgloop says:

    going out on a limb here and guessing…

    iPad port!

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  3. SirPrimalform says:

    Hmm… I’m wondering if one of the libraries you’re replacing is to do with Steam overlay integration? While I don’t personally care for it, I imagine that would make a lot of people happy.

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    • Jarett says:

      You can already get Steam overlay if you add -opengl to the launch parameters. It does make the game take a good bit longer to load if you don’t have a fairly beefy system, though.

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  4. Mal Haak says:

    The fact that they said, “increased portability” tends to suggest that it has little to do with steam integration. OpenAL is a hint in the direction, I would not be surprised if the other was OpenGL/ES or something crazy.

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  5. Alejandro Moreno says:

    It smells of iPad all over the place!

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  6. LonePaladin says:

    If this is an iPad port, would you be so kind as to include the Kindle Fire on the list? I got one for Christmas, and there’s a noticeable lack of decent Roguelikes for it.

    Not without jailbreaking the OS, anyway.

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  7. Gayo says:

    One condom to rule them all.

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  8. Meat says:

    Because the monster zoos break due to music/stairs issues, does this mean monster zoos will no longer be breaking?

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  9. Chungyen Chang says:

    Is the secret project SimDiggle 9000? Because I seem to remember a lot of people asking for that.

    (I will be amazed if I am actually right and it’s like, Dredmor but in reverse ala Dungeon Keeper)

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  10. Yann says:

    Hi guys, don’t want to be rude, but is there any hope that we’ll get a dungeons and dredmor patch for the Hib? I have the savegame problem, and it’s nearly a month that I’m unable to play.

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    • STALIN says:

      HIB was the least profitable venture for them, so it gets the least attention. HIB users are the red-headed step-diggles of the DoD world, unfortunately.

      I know it sucks, but if you’re really interested in playing the game, you’re better off downloading steam and buying the game all over again.

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      • AdminDavid Baumgart says:

        Well, Stalin, this isn’t entirely accurate.

        HIB buyers *can* get a Desura or Steam key, as I recall, and those can be used to get an updated version.

        This isn’t my area of expertise (what with being the artist), but if my understanding is correct, HIB is not really set up for developers to be pushing lots of patches with quick turnaround; they’re not a dedicated game seller and distributor on the scale of something like Steam so there’s more involved in the whole process. *insert more handwaving here*.

        Point is, I think the plan is to make the next patch really count for stability and have that one be sent through to the HIB customers. In the meantime you should be able to get a Dredmor key for Desura or Steam if you want to go that route.

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        • Yann says:

          Hi, sorry for being a n00b but I didn’t know that desura had also a linux client, I redeemed the key and my savegame loads well, thanks for suggestion. And I also did not know about HiB not dealing well with the patches, it’s a pity because you guys risk to be blamed for it. Thanks again for the support and for the great game!

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        • Kino5 says:

          You’re right, David. It is as simple as getting the Steam Key in the unique link you get with HIB to download the game and redeeming it on steam. From that moment, you get all Steam updates and I even got RotDG from Steam after redeeming my HIB copy of dredmor.

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  11. Brad says:

    Will thus rewrite make it easier to port Realm of the Diggle Gods to linux?

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  12. AmzRigh says:

    Been kinda anxious for this latest patch — I get the bookshelf crash a lot, so I figured it’d be better to wait that bug out — but glad to hear there’s a lot of work going into it. Looking forward to it!

    (In the meantime, I’ve been playing SpaceChem. One awesome indie game for another. :D)

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  13. David Snedden says:

    Smartphone port inc

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