For those of you with technical issues

EDIT: Stairs crash and the shopkeeper disappearing issue after load/save are now resolved. Patch will be sent to Steam on Monday. In the mean time, avoid saving and loading in shops, and be careful when using summoned monsters. (Let your old monster die off before going up or down stairs.) — Nicholas

Hi Guys,

A select few of you are still having some issues with some rather annoying bugs in the game.  Most of you are fine, and if you haven’t had any issues don’t worry!  However, if you *have* had issues, know that we want to make playing Dungeons of Dredmor enjoyable for everyone; believe me when I say that getting these issues dealt with is at the top of our list right now.  So, if you’re having some issues, click through here for your definitive guide for getting us the information as efficiently as possible so that we can get this sorted out for you.

(Linux guys: those of you who have emailed us have hopefully received a note from me.  We are still very committed to getting you a Linux version of Dredmor, please be patient, we have not forgotten about you!)

Okay, first off, Mac people:

We do not yet have a patch fix out for you for the latest issue involving save games loading badly.  Part of the reason for this is that we need to go out and buy Nick a Mac to deal with this.  It’s a long story, we are very hopeful to have the patch pushed out for Tuesday morning PST.  We do not need your save files, as we are almost positive we know what the issue is.  We will update this if the status changes early next week.


Windows people!

We aren’t going to be happy until you are happy, but we have debugging information scattered all over the place, so we’re going to centralize it here.

For those of you with crash bugs:

FIRST:  Make sure your game is up to date!  Sometimes the steam updater can be a bit… out of sync.  You should have version 1.0.2, which should show up in the bottom left corner on the main screen, like so:

The Cat is Watching!

If you do NOT have this, then you haven’t been updated.  To force steam to update you, you can right click on “Dungeons of Dredmor” in your Steam library, and click “delete local game content”.  This should not delete your saved characters, just the stuff that needs to be updated.  Then, by downloading the game again, you should see the 1.0.2 that we want you to see.


If you HAVE version 1.0.2 and are STILL getting crashes:

We are currently aware of two crash bugs.  One where going up a set of stairs and then down again (possibly involving your summoned cohort) can cause instability – We’ll call this the Stairs Crash.  Two, a crash that involves saving, loading, Stores, and maybe some bizarre behavior from Brax.  We’ll call this the Store Crash.

If you have a crash bug, whether it’s the Stairs Crash, the Store Crash, or some other New and Exciting Crash, we want:

  • Your .dmp file.  This can be found at the following location:

C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\common\dungeons of dredmor

or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\content\dungeons of dredmor

  • A brief explanation of your crash.  You can just say Stairs or Store Crash, or if it’s something new and horrible, let us know that too.

Send these emails to    // Every single email we get (that isn’t about Viagra) gets read by one of us.


FINALLY, if you are on version 1.0.2 (as described above) AND you are STILL having savegame loading issues:

We want your save files!  For Windows 7 people, look in Documents\Gaslamp Games\Dungeons of Dredmor.  For windows XP people, it’s “My Documents\Gaslamp Games\Dungeons of Dredmor”

What you’re looking for is a .SAV file named after your character (NOT the bitmap_*.SAV, just the CharName.SAV file)

Please send that file to  // feel free to also include any information about the awesome stuff you were doing at the time, as this makes reading these much more entertaining =)

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor | 38 Comments

38 Responses to “For those of you with technical issues”

  1. Pascal says:

    I just love the C-style comments in your post! Feels like a reflex!

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    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      You should see the codebase! We idly considered publishing the code comments and SVN commit messages as some sort of book of proverbs a couple of years ago. Who knows…

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  2. xrogaan says:

    You don’t have to delete the whole game, a force check of the local cache should be enough to trigger the update. It’s actually the same thing than delete/download, but it skip the delete part… You can read more about this usefull feature on the steam KB.

    For the linux version: if we own a windows version, do will still need to buy yet another copy of the game ?

    Will you take over the uservoice forum ?

    To be said: I never had any problem nor crashes with this game. Just the overlay that doesn’t work and my screenshot either. Since it’s liked to the overlay :p

    { reply }
    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      Regarding double-purchasing for Linux: we don’t want to charge you twice, so we are investigating ways to make sure that one purchase means you own Dredmor on whatever platform.

      Regarding uservoice: As we hope is evident from the blog posts, we are watching uservoice and are very interested in what you guys want. I’m not sure we’ll “take it over”, but we hope to have the time to be involved with it.

      Regarding the overlay and screenshots: These are both Steam features that we have not yet implemented. There seems to be lots of interest in us doing this, so we will investigate it as soon as we deal with these crash bugs.

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      • xrogaan says:

        Sorry, I wasn’t clear enough regarding uservoice. That forum allow you or any moderator to tag the feature requests with a status like “planned”, “refused” or whatever. Once you close a feature request, the votes spend by the users are freed and they can vote again on another feature.

        By “taking over”, I mean being the guy who tags the features. Because MisterS42 said that he will soon not be able to do so by himself. We had a discussion about that, for references:

        The main problem with uservoice, is that you will split things. You already have two forums, one on steam the other here. Do you really needs uservoice ? Well, that up to you to decide.

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      • Jack Miller says:

        I’m really glad I’ll be able to grab the Linux binaries with my Steam purchase! I couldn’t wait to buy it and was worried =) Playing through wine just isn’t the same.

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  3. Zzinged says:

    Do you also want to see unloadable saves from game version 1?

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    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      We are prioritizing save games that aren’t loading which are version 1.0.2 savegames. We may get to the other saves once we deal with any immediate issues, so if you’d like to hang on to it, we’ll see what we can do.

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  4. Jason says:


    just played the game for 8hr. At one point at going back to level 2 from level 3 to shop. while battling a monster the game crashed.

    Can you fix this so it will not happen again


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    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      This is frustrating a lot of people, and as stated in the post, these bugs involving going *up* levels are a big priority for us. Hang in there, we’ll sort it out.

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  5. Speedhoven says:

    No crashes for me so far and works beatifully all around.

    Now, I don’t if you still reply in the older posts so I figured I’d post this here. Like I said before, the only thing stopping me from completely enjoying the game is the lack of a proper paper doll character.So how about a paper doll equipment/character screen. I did a little mockup in PS illustrating what I mean (the link is in my name). Coding wise it’d be pretty simple and even though there’s a lot of sprites to draw, it’s not even close to having to animate all of the equipment. For me even this addition would make the game a lot more enjoyable.

    The picture also has my custom inventory that I’m still working on. It matches the menu screen but I’m probably going to redo it so it matches the character screen and tweak it a bit like the sort button is the only grey button I found in the files so that’s going to get replaced too.

    Also, how much of the game can be modded? Do we get some sort of SDK or access to the source code? Can we add for example equipment slots or inventory slots? Or will it be just modifying the already existing xml and sprite files?

    I hope you atleast give a short answer on the equipment screen, it wasn’t the shortest thing to do 😉

    { reply }
    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      That looks awesome! At this point we haven’t really considered a non-animated paper doll system, but that does indeed solve the biggest issue which is the gargantuan number of animation frames required. We’ll look into this!

      Regarding modding: while nothing is set in stone yet, the mod system should allow changes to items, spells and monsters. (We miss you Oxford Comma!) Changes of the animations might come later, and I don’t believe there are any plans for UI modding at the moment.

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  6. artfwo says:

    Guys, have you considered distributing the Linux version through Gameolith (the new Linux games store)? I’d love to play Dredmor on my Linux box, please don’t delay it for too long!

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    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      There are quite a few options out there for Linux. Our current hope is that a more direct purchasing solution could support Linux users *and* people who would just like to buy the game using a different method than Steam. Nothing is certain just yet, but that’s the dream.

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  7. drake says:

    Just had my first crash during a battle at level 3. Unfortunately I didn’t found any *.dmp file in my folder at: c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dungeons of dredmor\

    and my save games has gone after that crash. It was my better performance 🙁

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  8. mardor77 says:

    I saved the game at level 3. Go to load it and the program crash. When i run the program again the save was deleted… trying to recover it through a recovering files program but think that have to start again. And i thought the monster was the worst…. Hope can fix this. If you need any file please tell me.

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    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      It’s a lame response to a seriously non-ideal situation, but if you’re experiencing crashing issues, we’re recommending people play without permadeath on until we sort this stuff out, as permadeath is what likely deleted your save when you loaded it.

      Did you find a .dmp file as described in the blog post above? If so, email it to us as also described.

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  9. Gorzan says:

    Are you guys aware of some problems with the frames per second? I’m getting tired of playing the game in such a bumpy fashion when other games such as mass effect run perfectly

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  10. JonNik says:

    … And I also managed to spell my e-mail wrong for the previous two (feel free to erase them anyway).

    New question: will I be able to continue from my current save after you guys patch up the Mac version (seeing as the save has not disappeared) ?

    Is it possible to repair said save if it is corrupted ?

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    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      I am not sure. Feel free to back it up and tinker with it, but we probably won’t have time to mess with each person’s saved games, sorry.

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      • JonNik says:

        Heh, wasn’t implying that you should.

        Just hopping that the bug was in the loading code (shield skill related ?)
        or that a well known work around was available.


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  11. Great game, guys! I have not had any major issues other than sudden death at the hands of evil dungeon denizens, but I noticed that using the mousewheel on the tutorial screen effectively triggers a mouse click.

    Best of luck ironing out these final issues!

    Ebyan “Nolithius” Alvarez-Buylla

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  12. Kaizer says:

    Got a crash while fighting monsters on the second level of the dungeon. My savegame was deleted after several hours of playing. Not cool. Also, theres an issue with activatable items and shops. When you try to check the value of an activatable item such as a wand or a potion on a shop pedestal, and then press “dont sell” the item activates, wasting a charge or a potion. Also, is there any possibility of you adding some empty pedestals to sell to, and maybe possibly a storage chest for your items? That would be great! Great game, anyway. And good sense of humour. Gotta love dwarven discount chains.

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    • Kaizer says:

      I forgot to mention, it was actually a c++ crash which i suppose was caused by the game. c++ crashing then made the game crash. there is no .dmp file, which i suppose is because of this. This game is fucking crack. I never actually took the time to make a bug report in my life, so that gives you some idea how much i like it 🙂

      { reply }
    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      Best bet right now is to update your game if it hasn’t been updated already (see above) or else wait till the Monday/Tuesday patch fixes the crash issues we’ve been having. We know it’s frustrating.

      There is a plan of some kind to make selling easier. Right now, i believe you can drop items directly on Brax to sell.

      Glad you’re enjoying it!

      { reply }
  13. Jean-Luc says:

    Thanks for fixing the critical issues so fast Gaslamp. Haven’t had anomalous crashes since the patches (XP SP3).

    Enjoying the game quite a bit, the main thing I’d like to see would be more choices for character appearance so we can pick a guy that somewhat reflects our skill choices (fighter, barbarian, wizard, rogue, vampire, spellsword, monk…)

    If not that than at least a female character would be nice. I know how much of a chore “sprite animation” can be.

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  14. Orklord says:

    Hello there

    i have try to unistall/new Install but same reason crahes at load, save (or dieing) anything else^^ but i have find out that DoD at Vista 64bit (main system) gives errors and at my second system (Windows XP on the same pc) its normaly funktion at the Game (on Vista compatible modus not work same errors). Hope it will be helped^^

    ps: sry for my bad english 🙂

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  15. bitbot says:

    I’m really enjoying the game, played it non-stop for 5 hours the first time. 😛

    I haven’t had much bugs or problems except two involving Monster Zoo’s. One time I encountered a zoo and that special music it has started playing. I had to flee back upstarts to heal though, and when I came back down the normal dungeon music would play but each time I killed one of the zoo monsters the music would skip to the next track.

    Another time I found a zoo and had to retreat through a nearby portal. After I did this exclamation points (enemies noticing you) would pop up on the screen as if I was still there even though I had teleported to the other side of the map. This kept happening for quite a while.

    That’s it, nothing critical, just thought I’d report them 🙂

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    • AdminDaniel Jacobsen says:

      Thanks for the heads-up! These two issues we’re aware of and hope to fix soon. Though, I almost like how menacing all those exclamation marks are, just lurking in the darkness =D

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  16. Wing says:

    Can Linux users that bought your game through Steam dream to get a Linux client without having to buy the game again ?

    I seriously installed Steam on my Fedora 15 through Wine just for your game. The emulation works fine, but I would feel safer having a native Linux client.

    Loving the game so far anyways ! Great work.

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  17. xiProShotzx says:

    hi guys im getting a crash when im loading up my game im just crashing, i have no idea what the problem is and if u can reply i would be incredibly grateful.


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  18. Tao Zhyn says:

    I signed up to Steam just to purchase and play Dungeons of Dredmor. I just wanted to voice my support for your company and this game.

    I am waiting patiently for the Mac version of the patch.

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