Some Minor News

Dungeons of Dredmor is coming in between four or five days, depending on your time zone. If you want to see some Video Footage of people Playing Dredmor, you are encouraged to check out the fabulous M and B Games Dredmor video-tutorial-ography: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. Also, let’s not forget the ferocious videography of Paul Soares here.

So what have we fixed between our Gold Master Candidate and now? Well, honestly not all that much. Most of our work has been on prepping for launch, and we also took a modest, slightly less than Notch-sized vacation. Now that we’re back on the game, we’re looking forward to adding exciting post-release content and making this thing better than ever. We have started the mod work, but it doesn’t look like it will be done in time for our release; we will roll this into the game as soon as possible. Mod support, it turns out, is one of those difficult things to get working perfectly; in particular, it’s causing a great deal of trouble with the save games.

We did, however, add some fun stuff. First off, permadeath now works. If you die, we actually delete your save game! Mwa hah hah. By contrast, non-permadeath now works very well as well. You can save your game wherever and whenever you want, and it’s always there for you to carry on if you get slaughtered. Just remember to save as often as you feel that you can.

Second off, we have added a few achievements. Seven, to be exact. Right now, you get achievements for a) killing Dredmor, b) being killed by Diggles. This is more of a proof-of-concept thing; we’ll be adding more in the first patch, but David has to wrap up some contract work for a bit. I have a draft list, and it has over one hundred things to acquire in it. So good luck with that one. If you have achievement suggestions, incidentally, we’d love to hear from you.

If you’re on The Steams, you will also find that Dredmor has some leaderboards going on. You too will be able to compete with your friends and enemies to see who can descend furthest into the depths of the Dungeon.

Finally, we fixed a few crash bugs. No biggie. 🙂

Anyhow, the time is nearly upon us. As prophecied, the Dark Lord Dredmor shall rise, and thousands upon millions of hours of productivity shall be destroyed by his evil machinations. Also, somebody got him on the Twitter, and you’re encouraged to follow him in addition to our own fine Twitterfeed. We’re looking forward to having you all as players.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Games, Gaslamp, Programming | 7 Comments

7 Responses to “Some Minor News”

  1. Ururulur says:


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  2. Zepp says:

    Non-permadeath is a blasphemy! Fuck yea!

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  3. Maverick says:

    Ouuu yeaa finaly, only a few days till release 😀 You guys are awesome keep up the great work 🙂

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  4. Hammerfan says:

    I really cant wait for this game. Ive been avoiding buying games on the Steam Summer sale just for this one…

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  5. MrStone says:

    Hell yeahz, permadeth! Hurts so gooooood!

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  6. Body says:

    “slightly less than Notch-sized vacation.”

    oh SNAP

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  7. Rohsiph says:

    Glad to hear there’ll be achievements. It’s not something essential by any means, but I enjoy having the option to hunt down a few, particularly the quirky kind, to keep me playing a game a little longer than I might without them.

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