A Draconian approach is necessary here.

We here at Gaslamp command have been hard at work on a number of things:

  • trying to figure out how to get our game into the hands of the public without refurbishing a CD burner and a lemonade stand
  • trying to figure out how to effectively receive your input and turn it into the game that you want us to give you
  • trying to figure out how to train the stalag-men into a useful work force without upsetting their labor union or delving too deep

I also realize that my ongoing task to inform you guys about what is actually going on around here totally fell off of my to-do list.  I have no idea how it happened, please feel free to email me with your grievances and I will attempt to send each one of you a doughnut, if the internet will accommodate such things.

Feelings for the day: Time management is utterly crucial to being able to do more than simply what your day job requires, and Aerobiz Supersonic is a great SNES game.

Posted in Gaslamp | 3 Comments

3 Responses to “A Draconian approach is necessary here.”

  1. Brian says:

    Well, while you are aware of SomethingAwful, I’d recommend reading through the Star Ruler and Recettear topics in the Games section of the forum for good suggestions on Notion #1…and probably the 2nd one as well owing to both outfits pretty well having to deal with the same hurdles.

    I shall bear this doughnut in mind as the future rolls onward…standard or cake based?

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  2. Citizen says:

    Cake based old fashioned glazed. I figure its protective shell would see it through at least 500 miles of transit, but I’m no doughnut engineer.

    Also thanks for the heads-up, we’re making great strides on all of the above actually, though due to the nature of such things we can’t say much until things are finalized. Still, it’s good to read similar stories, making games can be a strange, difficult, and seemingly solitary process.

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  3. Brian says:

    Quite welcome and well played indeed on the doughnut preservation front. There’s a new hook for Indie devs right there: Certified Doughnut Engineers. Clearly as worthy a bullet point as being DRM-free.

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