All posts tagged with "stockpiles can and will totally mess up a fishperson"

Stockpiles and Gabions

It’s instructive to just sit down for a quick, relaxing game of Clockwork Empires and then make a note of all of the little things that one finds frustrating or otherwise demanding improvement. As a result of this particular exercise, gabions are now built in assignments in the upcoming experimental build, rather than as individual elements. (Once certain graphics code is made to work again, we can also leverage this code to do things like brick walls and fences, so that at long last we may be Perfectly Safe.) I think we still need to do some more UI work on the gabion line placer tool in order to make it something you would actually want to use, though; however, large walls are now a thing you can have. Following the same line of thought – “does this annoy me? YES” – I finally fixed the overseer counter so that it only displays overseers and not artisan workers (including but not limited to vicars, artisans, naturalists, barbers, and basically anybody not in Her Majesty’s 5th Regiment of Swole); artisans now get their own idle counter. (We probably need to change the term “artisan” soon as well, as it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense anymore.) This way, you can see how many people are doing the base work of resource mangling, and how many people need to get new stockpile jobs assigned to them. Management!

Get to it, layabouts!

Get to it, layabouts!

I have also spent a certain amount of time this week rewriting the stockpile code, which I’m hoping to have rolled out in the next experimental. There are two parts to this.

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