DREDMOR WEEK (Day One): Soundtrack Up!

Ladies and gentleman, we’re selling a game. In order to sell it, we’ve put together a little something we like to call…. DREDMOR WEEK.

Not relaly a Night at the Opera, is it?

That’s right, folks. Every day a blog post, a new piece of revelry, and by the way, we’re releasing the game ON WEDNESDAY. You heard us. WEDNESDAY. At long last, your pain and suffering will be over…. or just beginning. Ahem.

Let’s kick things off with a fanfare. Several fanfares, actually.

Matthew Steele, our brilliant musician, has put together a Dungeons of Dredmor soundtrack release on Bandcamp. You can preview the entire game’s soundtrack, and you can even buy it from him if you feel so inclined. How much will this cost you? Well, it’s pay as you want, but the minimum price is set at $2.99. (Any money Matthew makes on this, we told him he could keep. We’re awesome like this.)

Check it out here. Cover art by David.

The Schedule for DREDMOR WEEK:

Monday: Soundtrack Release
Tuesday: Why is Dredmor priced at $4.99? We promised you an explanation. On Tuesday, you’ll get it. Added bonus: the Dredmor Community Art Mutilation Pack.
Wednesday: We Release The Game. Wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Thursday: David draws a comic. (Or, maybe, posts Part I of the Modding Guide. He hasn’t decided yet.)
Friday: The Making of Dredmor: a behind-the-scenes PDF spectacular containing never-before seen art, screenshots, and Fun from the Vaults.

Posted in Dungeons of Dredmor, Game Design, Games, Gaslamp | 9 Comments

9 Responses to “DREDMOR WEEK (Day One): Soundtrack Up!”

  1. Abraxas says:

    Sweet. I can hardly wait.

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  2. Silvador says:

    *looks at his Australian calender and grumbles*

    No fair! I gots to wait till Thursday. 🙁

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  3. Blackop2 says:

    You only have to wait an extra day. Im leaving till sunday on wensday..

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  4. Gungnir says:

    Let’s hope Steam brings you plenty of sales.

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  5. Good day,

    I just wanted to ask if this game can easily be frapsed.

    🙂 Was thinking of getting fraps just to replay my dungeon treks. 🙂


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  6. Sigin says:

    I just wanted to say that this game and your company are a wonderful reminder to me that we should do what we like.
    I’m getting my dregree now in computer science and I don’t know if I’m brave enough to start my own company or to just make games.
    But, at least I will try to help those guys like you by buying their games =)


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  7. brian says:

    anyone else notice the picture looks like the Queen II album cover? lulz

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